HomeFree Zone Company - Sharjah Publishing City Free Zone - Wholesale of Computers, Computer Peripheral Software and Equipment

Article: 3685

Trading Company SetupWholesale of Computers, Computer Peripheral Software and Equipment

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Sharjah Publishing City Free Zone logo
JurisdictionSharjah Publishing City Free Zone
Short description

This company can engage in the wholesale distribution of a wide range of computers, peripheral software, and various equipment, including the variety of items and products for business use, catering to diverse sectors. The activity can also include extensive array of products including computers, software, security systems, and specialized equipment for laboratories, hotels, and workshops, for example machinery and tools for environmental protection, agricultural development, and medical facilities, supporting industries from general retail to specialized sectors like veterinary science and construction.

About the company's activities
Types of activities

The following group of business activity has been selected for the SPCFZ company setup: 

Wholesale of Computers, Computer Peripheral Software and Equipment (Group 465):

  • 4650.00 - Wholesale of Computers, Computer Peripheral Software and Equipment;
  • 4651.01 - Wholesale of computers and computer peripheral equipment;
  • 4651.02 - Wholesale of software;
  • 4651.03 - Security Systems & Equipment Trading;
  • 4651.04 - Wholesale of Refining and Infiltration Devices Trading;
  • 4651.05 - Wholesale of (Water Filters) Plugs Trading;
  • 4651.06 - Wholesale of Metal Barrels Trading;
  • 4651.07 - Wholesale of Boxes and Packets Trading;
  • 4651.08 - Wholesale of GPS Systems Trading;
  • 4651.09 - Wholesale of General Stores Equipment and Trading Installations;
  • 4651.10 - Wholesale trading in alternative energy equipment and accessories;
  • 4651.11 - Wholesale of Workshop Equipment and Machines and Trading Spare Parts;
  • 4651.12 - Wholesale of Workshop Metal Equipment and Tools Trading;
  • 4651.13 - Wholesale tools and accessories extensions of computer networks;
  • 4651.14 - Wholesale trading of multi-dimensional Printers;
  • 4651.15 - Wholesale trading of smart Systems;
  • 4651.16 - Wholesale of Hotels Outfit;
  • 4651.17 - Wholesale of Specialized Photography Equipment Tools and Outfit Trading;
  • 4651.18 - Wholesale of Laboratory and Factory Tools and Outfit Trading;
  • 4651.19 - Wholesale of Fibre-Optic Products, Accessories and Outfit Trading;
  • 4651.20 - Wholesale of Container and Bottle Caps Trading;
  • 4651.21 - Wholesale of Glass Bottle Trading;
  • 4651.22 - Wholesale of Smelter and Furnace Fire Stone Trading;
  • 4651.23 - Wholesale of Wallpaper Trading;
  • 4651.24 - Wholesale of Electricity Equipment And Fittings Trading;
  • 4651.25 - Wholesale of Water Heater Trading;
  • 4651.26 - Wholesale of Cement Products Trading;
  • 4651.27 - Wholesale of Gypsum Products Trading;
  • 4651.28 - Wholesale of Wood Products Trading;
  • 4651.29 - Wholesale of Iron Products Trading;
  • 4651.30 - Wholesale of Sanitary Ware and Connections Trading;
  • 4651.31 - Wholesale of Tanks and Reservoirs Trading;
  • 4651.32 - Wholesale of Children Games Outfit Trading;
  • 4651.33 - Wholesale of Calculators and Outfit Trading;
  • 4651.34 - Wholesale of Typewriter and Photocopier and Outfit Trading;
  • 4651.35 - Wholesale of E-gates and Barriers Trading;
  • 4651.36 - Wholesale of Engineering Drawing Equipment Trading;
  • 4651.37 - Wholesale of Sports Field and Hall Equipment and Outfit Trading;
  • 4651.38 - Trade equipment and medical devices - wholesale;
  • 4651.39 - Wholesale of Veterinary Apparatuses and Outfit Trading;
  • 4651.40 - Wholesale of Packaging and Wrapping Equipment Trading;
  • 4651.41 - Wholesale of Well Drilling Equipment Trading;
  • 4651.42 - Wholesale of Insects and Rodents Pesticides Equipment Trading;
  • 4651.43 - Wholesale of Environment Protection Equipment Trading;
  • 4651.44 - Wholesale of Clothes Cleaning Equipment Trading;
  • 4651.45 - Wholesale of Car Cleaning and Washing Equipment Trading;
  • 4651.46 - Wholesale of Office Equipment and Machinery Trading;
  • 4651.47 - Wholesale of Water Cooling and Heating Equipment and Trading Machinery;
  • 4651.48 - Wholesale of Restaurants and Kitchens Equipment and Trading Outfit;
  • 4651.49 - Wholesale of Cities Cleaning Equipment Trading;
  • 4651.50 - Wholesale of Building Cleaning Equipment Trading;
  • 4651.51 - Wholesale of Sea Cleaning Equipment Trading;
  • 4651.52 - Wholesale of Dive Gear Equipment Trading;
  • 4651.53 - Equipment Trading Radio, Television, Wholesale;
  • 4651.54 - Wholesale of Vending Equipment Trading;
  • 4651.55 - Wholesale of dvertisement Media and Instruments Trading;
  • 4651.56 - Wholesale of Office Furniture Trading;
  • 4651.57 - Wholesale of School, Hospital and Laboratory Furniture Trading;
  • 4651.58 - Wholesale of Safety and Fire Fighting Equipment and  Devices Trading;
  • 4651.59 - Wholesale of Block Manufacturing Equipment and Trading Machinery;
  • 4651.60 - Wholesale of Painting Equipment and Machinery Trading;
  • 4651.61 - Wholesale of Mills and Bakeries Equipment and Trading Machinery;
  • 4651.62 - Wholesale of Printing Press Equipment & Supplies Trading;
  • 4651.63 - Sewing machines trade and supplies - wholesale;
  • 4651.64 - Wholesale of equipment and milking machines and milk mobilization and pasteurization Trading;
  • 4651.65 - Wholesale of Apiaries Equipment And Outfit Trading;
  • 4651.66 - Wholesale of tools and accessories breeding birds Trading;
  • 4651.67 - Wholesale of Agricultural Greenhouse Equipment And Trading Outfit;
  • 4651.68 - Wholesale of Irrigation Equipment and Devices and Trading Outfit;
  • 4651.69 - Wholesale of Computer Systems And Software Trading;
  • 4651.70 - Wholesale of Computer Outfit And Data Processing Trading;
  • 4651.71 - Video games Wholesale Trading;
  • 4651.72 - Parties and events accessory Wholesale Trading;
  • 4651.73 - Wholesale of coffee machines and accessories;
  • 4651.74 -Wholesale of Computers And Outfit Trading;
  • 4651.75 - Spectacles & Contact Lenses Wholesale;
  • 4651.76 - Trade in services and tools for relaxation and massage;
  • 4651.77 - Audio Recordings Wholesale;
  • 4651.78 - Visual Recordings Wholesale;
  • 4651.79 - Wholesale of Multi-dimensional Photo Trading;
  • 4651.80 - Wholesale of Education Media and Models Trading;
  • 4651.81 - Wholesale of Ventilation Devices Trading;
  • 4651.82 - Wholesale of Photographic and Optic Apparatuses Trading;
  • 4651.83 - Wholesale of Congratulation and Invitation Card Trading;
  • 4651.84 - Wholesale of Scientific and Practical Equipment and Trading Devices;
  • 4651.86 - Mobile Phones Numbers Trading;
  • 4651.87 - Encryption Equipment Trading;
  • 4652.00 - Wholesale of Electronic and Telecommunications Parts and Equipment;
  • 4652.01 - Wholesale of electronic valves and tubes;
  • 4652.02 - Wholesale of semiconductor devices;
  • 4652.03 - Wholesale of microchips and integrated circuits;
  • 4652.04 - Wholesale of printed circuits;
  • 4652.05 - Wholesale of blank audio and video tapes and diskettes, magnetic and optical disks (CDs, DVDs);
  • 4652.06 - Wholesale of telephone and communications equipment;
  • 4652.07 - Wholesale of Accessories and supplies, mobile phones;
  • 4652.08 - Wholesale trading of Artificial Intelligence Robots;
  • 4652.09 - Wholesale of Spare Parts Trading Of Electrical And Devices Electronic;
  • 4653.00 - Wholesale of Agricultural Machinery, Equipment and Supplies;
  • 4653.01 - Wholesale of agricultural machinery and equipment:   
    • Ploughs, manure spreaders, seeders;
    • Harvesters;
    • Threshers;
    • Milking machines;
    • Poultry-keeping machines, bee-keeping machines;
    • Tractors used in agriculture and forestry.
  • 4653.02 - Lawn mowers however operated;
  • 4659.00 - Wholesale of Other Machinery and Equipment;
  • 4659.01 - Wholesale of office machinery and equipment, except computers and computer peripheral equipment;
  • 4659.02 - Wholesale of office furniture;
  • 4659.03 - Wholesale of transport equipment except motor vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles;
  • 4659.04 - Wholesale of production-line robots;
  • 4659.05 - Wholesale of wires and switches and other installation use for industrial equipment;
  • 4659.06 - Wholesale of other electrical material such as electrical transformers, motors;
  • 4659.07 - Wholesale of machine tools of any type and for any material;
  • 4659.08 - Wholesale of other machinery n.e.c. for use in industry, trade and navigation and other services;
  • 4659.09 - Wholesale of computer-controlled machine tools;
  • 4659.10 - Wholesale of computer-controlled machinery for the textile industry and of computer controlled sewing and knitting machines;
  • 4659.11 - Wholesale of measuring instruments and equipment;
  • 4659.12 - Medical, Surgical Equipment Trading;
  • 4659.13 - Medical, Surgical Articles & Requisites Trading; 
  • 4659.14 - Heavy Equipment & Machinery Spare Parts Trading;
  • 4659.15 - Aircraft Scrap & Used Spare Parts Trading;
  • 4659.16 - Ship & Boats Spare Parts & Components Trading;
  • 4659.17 - Air-Condition Trading;
  • 4659.19 - Refrigerators, Washing Machines & Household Electrical Trd Appliances;
  • 4659.20 - Vending Machines Trading;
  • 4659.21 - Aircraft Spare Parts & Components Trading;
  • 4659.22 - Ropes, Sacks & Jute Bags Trading;
  • 4659.23 - Wholesale of Marine Equipment and Machinery Trading; 
  • 4659.24 - Trading stations and systems of electric cars and spare;
  • 4659.25 - Trading of medical hearing aids and their accessories – Wholesale;
  • 4659.26 - Wholesale of Metal Shaping Moulds Trading;
  • 4659.27 - Wholesale of Traffic and Guiding Boards and Outfit Trading;
  • 4659.28 - Wholesale of Shipment Containers Trading;
  • 4659.29 - Wholesale of Empty Gas Cylinder Trading;
  • 4659.30 - Wholesale of Metal Wires Trading;
  • 4659.31 - Wholesale of Lighting Columns Trading;
  • 4659.33 - Wholesale of Block Trading;
  • 4659.34 - Wholesale of False Ceiling Trading;
  • 4659.35 - Wholesale of Building Sand, Pebbles and Stones Trading;
  • 4659.36 - Wholesale of Glass and Mirror Trading;
  • 4659.37 - Wholesale of Buildings, Windows and Doors Metal Products Trading; 
  • 4659.38 - Wire and cable trade - Wholesale;
  • 4659.39 - Wholesale of Fibre-glass Products Trading;
  • 4659.40 - Wholesale of Décor and Partition Material Trading;
  • 4659.41 - Wholesale of Plane Internal Products Trading;
  • 4659.42 - Used home furniture trade - Wholesale;
  • 4659.43 - Trade of used marine machinery and equipment;
  • 4659.44 - Wholesale of Crops, Cereals and Greens Trading;
  • 4659.45 - Wholesale of Tailoring Outfit Trading;
  • 4659.46 - Wholesale of accessories and supplies animals, birds;
  • 4659.47 - Wholesale of Journey Equipment and Tools Trading;
  • 4659.48 - Wholesale of Cloth Hangers;
  • 4659.49 - Wholesale of Paper Products Trading;
  • 4659.50 - Wholesale henna trade;
  • 4659.51 - Wholesale of Cosmetics and Trading;
  • 4659.52 - Wholesale of Cosmetics equipment and tools;
  • 4659.53 - Wholesale of Electricity Generation, Transmission and Trading Equipment Distribution;
  • 4659.54 - Wholesale of Electricity Transformers and Outfit Trading;
  • 4659.55 - Wholesale of Electricity Transformers and Outfit Trading;
  • 4659.56 - Wholesale of Spare Parts Trading of Machines and Motors;
  • 4659.57 - Wholesale of Spare Parts Trading of Safety and Fire Equipment Fighting;
  • 4659.58 - Wholesale of Sewing and Weaving Equipment and Spare Parts Trading;
  • 4659.59 - Trade Astronomy, Earthquakes & Monitoring Equipment - Wholesale;
  • 4659.60 - Sterilization equipment and devices trading;
  • 4659.61 - Wholesale of Aquariums and Equipment Trading of Fish and Marine Animals Show;
  • 4659.62 - Wholesale of Sterilizers and Disinfectants;
  • 4659.63 - Wholesale of Water Desalination Equipment and Trading Outfit and Machinery.

The company can engage in up to five business activities under one license without additional fees.

Additional External Regulator Approvals

No additional approvals are required to register a company conducting this business activity.

Share Capital Requirements

The minimum share capital required for SPC company is AED 50,000. Its contribution is optional.  If the share capital exceeds 5,000,000.00 AED, its contribution becomes mandatory.

Company Name Requirements
  • Must correspond to the company’s business activities
  • Must not be identical or similar to local/global brands or registered trademarks
  • Must not contain geographical names, such as the names of emirates, cities, countries and other landmarks
  • Must not contain the names of Allah or God, or any other religious terminology
  • Must not contain the names of local/international religious, political or governmental organizations
  • Must not infringe any third party's intellectual property rights
  • Must not violate the UAE laws or contain words that are obscene, indecent or generally offensive
Bank Account

Entrepreneurs can open corporate accounts in traditional banks with physical branches, as well as in digital banks and payment systems.

When choosing a bank to open a corporate account, consider the following: service level, fees, available currencies, online banking performance, bank reputation, as well as other conditions that may be important for your business.

Successfully opening a corporate bank account requires a well-prepared documentation package, which may vary depending on the specific requirements of each bank. Documents submitted incorrectly or incompletely may negatively affect the bank's final decision in processing the application.

About Jurisdiction
Name and Description
  • Title: Sharjah Publishing City Free Zone
  • Description:

    SPCFZ (Sharjah Publishing City Free Zone) is a free economic zone (free zone) established in 2017 in the Emirate of Sharjah, UAE. It is the world’s first free zone fully dedicated to the publishing industry.

    SPCFZ offers a unique ecosystem for publishers, writers, and creative professionals, providing ideal conditions for the implementation of cultural and creative projects. With advanced technologies and infrastructure, the free zone attracts talent and companies looking to develop projects in the fields of culture, media, and the arts. Companies registered in SPCFZ are permitted to conduct business within the free zone and beyond the UAE.

    SPCFZ issues the following types of business licenses:

    • Standard (wholesale and retail trade, services, manufacturing)
    • E-commerce
    • Publishing
    • E-Publishing.

    With a simplified registration process, flexible business conditions, and reduced operating costs, SPCFZ enables entrepreneurs to successfully enter both local and international markets, while effectively expanding their operations.


The SPCFZ company registration provides various benefits and opportunities for entrepreneurs:

  • Access to local and global markets. Companies registered in the free zone can conduct business within the free zone and beyond the UAE. This helps to expand business, create and strengthen partnerships and and enables interaction with clients and partners worldwide.
  • Strategic location. The free zone is situated in Sharjah, the cultural capital of the UAE, in close proximity to both Dubai and Sharjah airports, as well as the Khalid and Hamriyah ports. This provides easy access to key markets in the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia, positioning the free zone as a vital logistics and trade hub.
  • Remote company registration. The free zone enables entrepreneurs to establish their business remotely, without the need for physical presence in the UAE, providing convenient access to the registration process from anywhere in the world.
  • Full profit control. The free zone enables foreign entrepreneurs to retain 100% ownership of their company, granting full control over profits and unrestricted capital repatriation outside the UAE. This fosters an optimal environment for strategic financial planning and efficient business management, free from limitations on economic activities.
  • Wide range of business activities. The free zone offers licenses for more than 2,000 types of businesses, enabling entrepreneurs to develop projects across various industries, including publishing, media, e-commerce, trade, services, and manufacturing.
  • Combining business activities. The free zone allows the combination of various business activities under a single license, reducing operational costs and expanding the range of services and products offered to clients.
  • Ecosystem for publishers. The free zone has established the Publishers Hub — a unique environment that helps publishers optimize printing processes and expand their presence in international markets. This makes the free zone an ideal choice for companies operating in publishing, media, and digital content.

Various rental property options are available within SPC, provided upon preliminary request depending on availability:

Office Solutions:

  • Coworking (cost included in the license fee): a workspace in a coworking area that can be accessed for up to 4 hours per month during business hours. The number of hours can be increased to 10, 20, or 40 for an additional fee of 1000, 2000, and 3000 AED, respectively.
  • Office Space "Furnished Office" (AED 900 per sq.m./year): an office space ranging from 20 to 30 m² with unlimited 24/7 access. A refundable deposit for the selected type of space is required when submitting the application for company registration.
  • Office Space "Furnished Office" (AED 750 per sq.m./year): an office space ranging from 20 to 30 m² with unlimited 24/7 access. A refundable deposit for the selected type of space is required when submitting the application for company registration.

Business Properties:

  • Storages (AED 480 per sq.m./year): warehouse spaces within SPC. A refundable deposit for the selected type of space is required when submitting the application for company registration.
  • Shell / Core Spaces (AED 550 per sq.m./year): unfinished spaces within SPC. A refundable deposit for the selected type of space is required when submitting the application for company registration.
Tax Regime and Profit Management

The UAE imposes a variety of taxes and fees that regulate the financial activities of both legal entities and individuals. Below are the main ones:

  1. Value Added Tax (VAT):
    • Since January 1, 2018, the UAE has implemented a VAT rate of 5%, which applies to most goods and services and is charged to companies operating within the country, except for those registered in designated zones.
    • A Designated Zone is a territory within a free zone that is treated as outside the UAE for tax purposes, allowing goods to be exempt from taxation, provided certain criteria are met. The main taxation rules in Designated Zones are:
      • Designated Zones are listed in the Cabinet Decision to Federal Decree-Law No. (8) of 2017 on Value Added Tax (VAT).
      • Goods tranferred between or within Designated Zones are not subject to VAT.
      • The export and import of goods between a Designated Zone and a foreign company are also VAT-exempt.
    • For local companies and those registered in Non-Designated Zones (free zones not included in the Designated Zones list), the standard tax rules set forth in the Federal Decree-Law on VAT apply.
      • Companies with an annual turnover exceeding AED 375,000 are required to register with the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) as VAT taxpayers.
      • Companies with a turnover between AED 187,500 and AED 375,000 may register on a voluntary basis.
      • Companies can offset VAT paid on purchases of goods and services (input VAT) against the VAT they collect on sales (output VAT), shifting the tax burden to the final consumer.
      • Some goods and services may be exempt from VAT or taxed at a 0% rate, such as international transportation, educational, and medical services.
  2. Corporate Tax:
    • As of June 1, 2023, the UAE has introduced a corporate tax at a rate of 9%, levied on the taxable net profit of companies with income exceeding AED 375,000.
    • A 0% rate is applied to taxable income not exceeding AED 375,000.
    • Charitable, non-profit organizations and medical institutions are fully exempt from corporate tax.
  3. Excise Tax:
    • Since October 1, 2017, the UAE has introduced an excise tax aimed at reducing the consumption of harmful products and funding healthcare initiatives.
    • The tax applies to alcohol, tobacco products, and beverages containing added sugar, including energy and carbonated beverages.
    • Excise tax rates vary by product category:
      • 50% on carbonated drinks (excluding mineral water)
      • 100% on tobacco products
      • 100% on energy drinks
      • 100% on electronic smoking devices and related liquids
      • 50% on products containing added sugar or sweeteners.
    • Companies dealing with excise goods must register with the Federal Tax Authority (FTA), submit monthly declarations, and maintain records. Excise tax is paid upon the import, production, or release of goods for consumption in the UAE.
  4. Customs Duties:
    • Custom duties in the UAE are applied to most imported goods at a standard rate of 5% of the cost, insurance, and freight (CIF). Some product categories, such as pharmaceuticals and food items, may be exempt from duties or subject to reduced rates.
    • Goods imported into the UAE's free zones are generally not subject to customs duties as long as they remain within these zones. However, once such goods are moved to the UAE mainland, standard duties apply.
  5. Personal Income Tax:
    • In the UAE, personal income is not subject to taxation.
    • UAE citizens and residents are exempt from paying taxes on their personal income, including salaries, interest, dividends, inheritances, gifts, luxury goods, and capital gains.
  6. Other Local Taxes and Fees:
    • Individual emirates may impose specific local taxes and fees in line with their economic and social needs.
    • These taxes and fees are aimed at supporting public services and implementing infrastructure projects.
Resident Visas

SPCFZ offers the following main types of UAE resident visas for foreign investors and company employees:

  • Investor Visa:
    • Issued to foreign investors and entrepreneurs who invest in or acquire companies.
    • Allows for business management, living, and working in the UAE.
    • Grants the right to sponsor family visas.
    • Valid for two years but can be canceled if the investor is absent from the UAE for more than six months.
  • Employment Visa:
    • Issued by the company for its foreign employees.
    • Permits residency and employment in the UAE.
    • Depending on the job position, education and specialization may need to be verified.
    • Valid for two years but can be canceled if the employee is absent from the UAE for more than six months.
    • Can be renewed alongside the employment contract.
  • Dependent Visa (for family members and domestic staff):
    • Issued to the sponsor's family members and accompanying domestic staff (nannies, housekeepers, caregivers, etc.).
    • Permits residency in the UAE.
    • Valid for two years.
  • Student Visa:
    • Issued to foreign students enrolled in universities and colleges registered with the freezone.
    • Allows for living and studying in the UAE.
    • Valid for the duration of the study period.
Tax regime and income management
  • The UAE has several taxes and fees that regulate the financial activities of both legal entities and individuals. Below are the main ones.

    1. Personal Income Tax

      • In the UAE, personal income is not subject to taxation.

      • UAE citizens and residents are exempt from paying taxes on their personal income, including salaries, interest, dividends, inheritances, gifts, luxury goods, and capital gains.

    2. Value Added Tax (VAT)

      • Since January 1, 2018, the UAE has implemented a VAT rate of 5%, which applies to most goods and services and is charged to companies operating within the country, except for those registered in designated zones.

      • A Designated Zone is a territory within a free zone that is treated as outside the UAE for tax purposes, allowing goods to be exempt from taxation, provided certain criteria are met. The main taxation rules in Designated Zones are as follows:

        • The Designated Zones are listed in the Cabinet Decision to Federal Decree-Law No. (8) of 2017 on Value Added Tax (VAT).

        • Goods moved between or within Designated Zones are not subject to tax.

        • The export and import of goods between a Designated Zone and a foreign company are also not subject to tax.

      • For local companies and those registered in Non-Designated Zones (free zones not included in the Designated Zones list), the standard tax rules set forth in the Federal Decree-Law on VAT apply.

        • Companies with an annual turnover exceeding AED 375,000 are required to register with the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) as VAT taxpayers.

        • Companies with a turnover between AED 187,500 and AED 375,000 may register on a voluntary basis.

        • Companies can offset VAT paid on purchases of goods and services (input VAT) against the VAT they collect on sales (output VAT), shifting the tax burden to the final consumer.

        • Some goods and services may be exempt from VAT or taxed at a 0% rate, such as international transportation, educational, and medical services.

    3. Corporate Tax

      • As of June 1, 2023, the UAE has introduced a corporate tax at a rate of 9%, levied on the taxable net profit of companies with income exceeding AED 375,000.

      • A 0% rate is applied to taxable income not exceeding AED 375,000.

      • Charitable, non-profit organizations and medical institutions are fully exempt from corporate tax.

    4. Excise Tax

      • Since October 1, 2017, the UAE has introduced an excise tax aimed at reducing the consumption of harmful products and funding healthcare initiatives. The tax applies to alcohol, tobacco products, and beverages containing added sugar, including energy drinks and carbonated beverages.Excise tax rates vary depending on the product category:

        • 50% on carbonated drinks (excluding mineral water)

        • 100% on tobacco products

        • 100% on energy drinks

        • 100% on electronic smoking devices and liquids used for them

        • 50% on products containing added sugar or sweeteners.

      • Companies dealing with excise goods must register with the Federal Tax Authority (FTA), submit monthly declarations, and maintain records. Excise tax is paid upon the import, production, or release of goods for consumption in the UAE.

    5. Customs Duties

      • Custom duties in the UAE are applied to most imported goods at a standard rate of 5% of the cost, insurance, and freight (CIF). Exceptions include certain categories of goods, such as medicines and food products, which may be exempt from duties or subject to a reduced rate.

      • Goods imported into UAE free zones are generally not subject to customs duties as long as they remain within these zones. However, when such goods are transferred to the UAE mainland, standard duties apply.

    6. Local Taxes and Fees

      • Individual emirates may impose specific local taxes and fees in line with their economic and social needs. These taxes and fees are aimed at supporting public services and implementing infrastructure projects.

    Order service directly at SPC

    With the assistance of our platform manager, who will provide you with service instructions, arrange meetings with SPC representatives, and assist in coordination

    • Direct access without intermediaries
    • No additional fees
    • No commissions

    Choose our "Standard" plan

    Receive expert guidance from an authorized consultant who will manage the entire process of obtaining SPC services

    • Time-saving
    • Predictable outcomes
    • Personal expert assistance
    • Business-class transportation to service locations
    • Minimal involvement required

    Opt for our "Premium" plan for top-tier expert guidance

    An elite consultant will oversee the process of obtaining SPC services, ensuring a seamless experience

    • VIP airport reception in Dubai for one person
    • Premium-class airport-hotel-airport transfers
    • Expedited VIP procedures
    • Guaranteed results
    • Personal expert available 24/7
    • Premium-class transportation to service locations
    • Minimal involvement required

    Online platform for business registration in the UAE


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