HomeFree Zone Company - Fujairah Free Zone - HR Consultancy

Article: 5212

Consulting Company SetupHR Consultancy

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Fujairah Free Zone logo
JurisdictionFujairah Free Zone
Short description

This company can engage in preparing studies and consultancies concerning manpower planning as well as improving its performance through studying the problems encounter the employee. These problems could be technical, psychological or behavioral. The process involves analyzing the problem and then seek the proper solution by means of reports, advising, consulting, and designing of professional and administrative programs and to propose the adequate training to overcome the employee problems and enhancing his performance. The activity can also include provision of consultancy to establish corporate cultural transformation to ensure that the values of the business and the heads of the companies are in line with their teams, in order to establish harmonious team with shared values and visions conducive to overall engagement and happiness.

About the company's activities
Types of activities

The following business activity has been selected for the FFZ company setup:

  • HR Consultancy. Includes firms specialized in preparing studies and consultancies concerning manpower planning as well as improving its performance through studying the problems encounter the employee. These problems could be technical, psychological or behavioral. The process involves analyzing the problem and then seek the proper solution by means of reports, advising, consulting, and designing of professional and administrative programs and to propose the adequate training to overcome the employee problems and enhancing his performance. Such firms are allowed to carry out provision of consultancy to establish corporate cultural transformation to ensure that the values of the business and the heads of the companies are in line with their teams, in order to establish harmonious team with shared values and visions conducive to overall engagement and happiness.
Additional External Regulator Approvals

No additional approvals are required to register a company conducting this business activity.

Share Capital Requirements

The minimum share capital required for FFZ company is AED 150,000. Its contribution is optional. 

Bank Account

Entrepreneurs can open corporate accounts in traditional banks with physical branches, as well as in digital banks and payment systems.

When choosing a bank to open a corporate account, consider the following: service level, fees, available currencies, online banking performance, bank reputation, as well as other conditions that may be important for your business.

Successfully opening a corporate bank account requires a well-prepared documentation package, which may vary depending on the specific requirements of each bank. Documents submitted incorrectly or incompletely may negatively affect the bank's final decision in processing the application.

About Jurisdiction
Name and Description
  • Title: Fujairah Free Zone
  • Description:
Tax regime and income management
  • The UAE has several taxes and fees that regulate the financial activities of both legal entities and individuals. Below are the main ones.

    1. Personal Income Tax

      • In the UAE, personal income is not subject to taxation.

      • UAE citizens and residents are exempt from paying taxes on their personal income, including salaries, interest, dividends, inheritances, gifts, luxury goods, and capital gains.

    2. Value Added Tax (VAT)

      • Since January 1, 2018, the UAE has implemented a VAT rate of 5%, which applies to most goods and services and is charged to companies operating within the country, except for those registered in designated zones.

      • A Designated Zone is a territory within a free zone that is treated as outside the UAE for tax purposes, allowing goods to be exempt from taxation, provided certain criteria are met. The main taxation rules in Designated Zones are as follows:

        • The Designated Zones are listed in the Cabinet Decision to Federal Decree-Law No. (8) of 2017 on Value Added Tax (VAT).

        • Goods moved between or within Designated Zones are not subject to tax.

        • The export and import of goods between a Designated Zone and a foreign company are also not subject to tax.

      • For local companies and those registered in Non-Designated Zones (free zones not included in the Designated Zones list), the standard tax rules set forth in the Federal Decree-Law on VAT apply.

        • Companies with an annual turnover exceeding AED 375,000 are required to register with the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) as VAT taxpayers.

        • Companies with a turnover between AED 187,500 and AED 375,000 may register on a voluntary basis.

        • Companies can offset VAT paid on purchases of goods and services (input VAT) against the VAT they collect on sales (output VAT), shifting the tax burden to the final consumer.

        • Some goods and services may be exempt from VAT or taxed at a 0% rate, such as international transportation, educational, and medical services.

    3. Corporate Tax

      • As of June 1, 2023, the UAE has introduced a corporate tax at a rate of 9%, levied on the taxable net profit of companies with income exceeding AED 375,000.

      • A 0% rate is applied to taxable income not exceeding AED 375,000.

      • Charitable, non-profit organizations and medical institutions are fully exempt from corporate tax.

    4. Excise Tax

      • Since October 1, 2017, the UAE has introduced an excise tax aimed at reducing the consumption of harmful products and funding healthcare initiatives. The tax applies to alcohol, tobacco products, and beverages containing added sugar, including energy drinks and carbonated beverages.Excise tax rates vary depending on the product category:

        • 50% on carbonated drinks (excluding mineral water)

        • 100% on tobacco products

        • 100% on energy drinks

        • 100% on electronic smoking devices and liquids used for them

        • 50% on products containing added sugar or sweeteners.

      • Companies dealing with excise goods must register with the Federal Tax Authority (FTA), submit monthly declarations, and maintain records. Excise tax is paid upon the import, production, or release of goods for consumption in the UAE.

    5. Customs Duties

      • Custom duties in the UAE are applied to most imported goods at a standard rate of 5% of the cost, insurance, and freight (CIF). Exceptions include certain categories of goods, such as medicines and food products, which may be exempt from duties or subject to a reduced rate.

      • Goods imported into UAE free zones are generally not subject to customs duties as long as they remain within these zones. However, when such goods are transferred to the UAE mainland, standard duties apply.

    6. Local Taxes and Fees

      • Individual emirates may impose specific local taxes and fees in line with their economic and social needs. These taxes and fees are aimed at supporting public services and implementing infrastructure projects.

    Order service directly at FFZ

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    • Business-class transportation to service locations
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    Opt for our "Premium" plan for top-tier expert guidance

    An elite consultant will oversee the process of obtaining FFZ services, ensuring a seamless experience

    • VIP airport reception in Dubai for one person
    • Premium-class airport-hotel-airport transfers
    • Expedited VIP procedures
    • Guaranteed results
    • Personal expert available 24/7
    • Premium-class transportation to service locations
    • Minimal involvement required

    Online platform for business registration in the UAE


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