Get the optimal solution for the form and location of company registration based on your goal, or choose from the catalog of 7 emirates
All information, communications and documents on the project are in a unified system. Project status, notifications, chat. The system saves information about the validity period of the license and will remind you to renew it when needed.
The platform effectively coordinates its responsible partners with deep knowledge of local laws and requirements, who will help you prepare a set of documents correctly in order to get a guaranteed result.
A personal manager is available via chat, will quickly find answers to any request and will be a constant point of contact during the entire process from registration to further support of the company’s work.
Personalized service package customized to your business goals: payment solution selection, bank account opening, residency visa, accounting and taxes.
Our experts have compiled regulatory requirements and transformed them into comprehensive, step-by-step instructions on how to establish a company in your desired field. Our platform calculates registration timelines and costs.
Useful information and step-by-step instructions for doing business, collected by the experts and compiled by our continually learning Artificial Intelligence assistant.
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